Gilles Dubochet's


Quality podcasts are an important source of information for me, and have contributed much to broadening my knowledge. They provide in-depth analysis and data that is often only found in professional conferences or publications, in a form that makes it intellectually and physically possible to follow. Somehow, in a world or tweets and 20-seconds television subjects, some radio channels have remained a media where in-depth analysis is possible and welcome.

Below is a selection of English and French podcasts that I currently follow. They cover the following subjects: International News; Economics, Law & Public Policy; Natural sciences, Mathematics & Engineering; Technologies & Media; Sociology & History; and other miscellaneous subjects.

International News

Crossing Continents

Foreign affairs: From BBC Radio 4, in iTunes.

From our own Correspondent

Foreign affairs: From BBC Radio 4, in iTunes.

Géopolitique, le débat

Affaires internationales: De Radio France internationale, dans iTunes.

Les retours du dimanche

Actualités: De France culture, dans iTunes.

Economics, Law & Public Policy


Policy: Right-of-centre analysis of public policy, primarily focused on economic policy but also concerned with wider social issues. Subjects are distinctively british, but most analysis is relevant to a larger public. From BBC Radio 4, in iTunes.

Le bien commun

Droit: De France culture, dans iTunes.

L'économie en question

Économie: De France culture, dans iTunes.

File on 4

Policy: From BBC Radio 4, in iTunes.

Law in Action

Law: From BBC Radio 4, in iTunes.

Natural sciences, Mathematics & Engineering

Cours du Collège de France

Sciences générales: Les enregistrements de certains cours publiques ou colloques du Collège de France, sur tous les sujets (sciences naturelles, humaines, mathématiques, médecine, philosophie, littérature, etc.). Sujets traités de façon universitaire, avec des contributions généralement d'excellente qualité. Un cours est typiquement donné en une dizaine de sessions d'une heures, ce qui permet d'aborder un sujet très en détail. Du Collège de France, dans iTunes.

More or Less

Statistics: An analysis and criticism of statistics as they are used in politics, in advertisement and in the news. It is usually entertaining, with good examples of unexpected statistical data, but mostly related to Britain. It also sometimes discusses actual statistical tools, but not quite enough to my liking. From BBC Radio 4, in iTunes.

Nature Podcast

Natural sciences: A presentation of some of the main articles in the upcoming Nature magazine. This is a very useful podcast to stay up-to-date with current research in natural sciences and biology in particular. For obvious reasons, the podcast mostly discusses “news & views” features, but sometimes also tries a discussion on a research article or letter. From Nature, in iTunes.

Technologies & Media

Masse critique

Média: De France culture, dans iTunes.

Place de la toile

Technologies de l'information: De France culture, dans iTunes.

Sociology & History

Concordance des temps

Histoire: De France culture, dans iTunes.

La suite dans les idées

Sociologie: De France culture. dans iTunes.

Thinking Allowed

Sociology: From BBC Radio 4, in iTunes.



Culture générale: Une variété de sujets scientifiques, politiques, historiques… abordés de façon variée. Quelques sujets typiquement helvétiques, mais la majorité d'intérêt international. De RSR Espace 2, dans iTunes.

This American Life

General: Subjects highlighting very diverse aspects of American life, from politics and law to lifestyle and consumerism. Usual format is a series of fun or gripping stories describing interesting situations or experiences. From Public Radio International, in iTunes.